- THE CLOSING CONFERENCEThe Closing Conference of the GASTROTOP project was held on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, in Kapošvar at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science (MATE), which was attended by representatives of all partner organizations on the project, students and representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat, and representatives of the MATE University administration. The project started on June 1, 2021, and its implementation lasted 16 months. The total value of the project was EUR 291,243, and the general goal of the project was to improve the availability of educational platforms… Read more: THE CLOSING CONFERENCE
- STUDYTOUR IN SOMOGY COUNTYThe next stop of the GASTROTOP project was the 2-day study trip in Somogy county, where the project partners and the guests involved in “free” meals could participate in the programs organized by SKIK. The studytour was started with a visit to the Hansdönner Brewery, where the partcipants could gain an insight into gluten-free beer production. The following station was the Fino-food dairy company, where the dairy producton and the milk-free products were presented. In the second half of the day the programmes and presentations were held in the Bánó… Read more: STUDYTOUR IN SOMOGY COUNTY
- TRAINING IN THE PREPARATION OF “FREE FROM” DESSERTS IN KAPOSVÁRAfter the food preparation training, the “free-from” dessert preparation training within the GASTROTOP project was completed in May. The 30-hour program was attended by pastry chefs and other relevant people, a total of 14 people, who prepared different desserts in different “free from” versions. As part of the training, cakes, creams, pancakes, donuts, and other fantastic cakes were prepared. The goal of the education was to find possibilities and ingredients in catering that can be used to provide a taste experience to those suffering from food intolerance or allergies.
- THE COOKING COURSE OF THE GASTROTOP PROJECT TOOK PLACE IN KAPOSVÁRIn February 2022 the Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a 30-hour training, namely Preparation of “Free” food in the framework of the GASTROTOP project, in which 17 person participated. The training was mainly promoted for those who would like to prepare different dishes in a different way due to some kind of health problem. In the theoretical part, the concepts about various nutritional disorders were discussed and the practice showed how it is possible to prepare meals in a gluten-, dairy- or sugar-free version by substituting certain ingredients.… Read more: THE COOKING COURSE OF THE GASTROTOP PROJECT TOOK PLACE IN KAPOSVÁR
- OPENING CONFERENCEThe College of Economics in Križevci is implementing the GASTROTOP project as a leading partner – a comprehensive educational support for food service providers that facilitates demand in emerging consumer markets with food restrictions, which it is implementing together with Hungarian partners in the Hungary-Croatia 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation. The project partners are the Hungarian Agricultural University, the Kaposvar Campus, the Virovitica Polytechnic, the Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kaposvar and the Zala County Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Zalaergeszeg. The project started on June 1, 2021. and… Read more: OPENING CONFERENCE